50 shades of grey non disclosure agreement
50 shades of grey non disclosure agreement

So, in the 50 Shades series, you’ve got Ana who is drawn to this Christian Grey character – wealthy, confident, straightforward, direct – the perfect picture of security. What makes this book different and controversial from other romance novels, or even novels that are centered around BDSM activities like 50 Shades, is the element of actual rape. I think that when women read these books and become this Ana character while they’re on the page, they feel a kind of pseudo-satisfaction to their deep desire to be wanted. I think this book touches on something deeper that every woman is looking for. So, why this? What is it about this story, this relationship, that has become so mainstream – capturing the interest of so many women? Is it like a car accident? So horrible that we can’t help but look at it? Do we just want to see what all the hype is about or something? I think there’s a different answer. Every bookstore has a whole wall of them.

50 shades of grey non disclosure agreement

It’s weird – this 50 Shades phenomenon, isn’t it? Sex selling is nothing new.

50 shades of grey non disclosure agreement